Implementation of the Occupational Health Effort Standard Operating Procedure Program (Pos UKK) at Alai Health Center in Padang City


  • Intan Salsabilla Usrevi Alifah Health Science Collage
  • Fadhilatul Hasnah STIKes Alifah Padang
  • Zudarmi Zudarmi Alifah Health Science Collage


UKK Post Program, Occupational Diseases, Implementation


Based on the annual report of the Padang City Office in 2021, data on the incidence of sick workers served by Puskesmas in Padang City was 39,299 people. Then cases of common diseases in workers were found as many as 36,086 people, then suspected cases of occupational diseases were obtained as many as 2,161 people. Furthermore, cases of occupational diseases in workers as many as 1,405 people and cases of occupational accidents in workers were found as many as 253 people. The purpose of the Occupational Health Effort (UKK) program at Puskesmas is occupational health services aimed at informal sector workers. Based on the results of the initial survey at the Alai Health Center, there is a UKK program but the guidance is not routine, there are no supporting facilities for the UKK program and the cadres of the UKK Post do not know their duties and functions. The type of research used is qualitative observational with a phenomonological approach. Research informants totaling 4 people were determined by purposive sampling and observing the ukk post at the Alai Health Center in Padang City. This research was carried out from March to August 2023 at the Alai Health Center in Padang City. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, observations and document review. The results of this study show that the policy used by the Alai Health Center is the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1758 of 2003 concerning basic occupational health services, the implementer of UKK Post activities does not yet have a functional position of occupational health supervisor. There are no supporting facilities for the UKK Post at the Alai Health Center in Padang City properly. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of the UKK Post Program at the Alai City Padang Health Center has not been realized in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 100 of 2015 concerning UKK Post.


